SEF Documentation

Stephen Gibson
Stephen Gibson
  • Updated

Agreed School/Team SEF Document

Your Agreed School/Team SEF contains all the agreed text and judgements that have been added to the Self-Evaluation section. This would be the document that you'd share with key stakeholders. 

If you want to view the current School/Team SEF content, regardless of whether it's been agreed upon, you will need to download the Draft report. Click here for more information on that. 

The School SEF report is only visible to members of the SLT. The Team SEF report is visible to staff with the Can Agree setting for that team.

To view the agreed report, navigate to the school/team SEF dashboard under the Self Evaluation heading.


New SEF Print Options.PNG


When you click on the option to download the Agreed report, a pop-up asks you to confirm the content you'd like to include in the document.

Select the relevant option and select Confirm & Download.

Please Note: Only the Bite-Sized Questions for the Head Teacher (on the school SEF) and the Team Leader (on a team SEF) appear on the Agreed SEF report. If you need a report with all team member BSQs, you need to download the SEF Evidence Base.

Agreeing Your SEF/Team Review

If you are missing any content from this document, it may not have been agreed since you last updated your School/Team SEF.

You can agree this in one of two ways. The first option is via the Self Evaluation/Team Review dashboard by clicking Agree All.



If not, you can also agree to the contents section by section. To do this, select the relevant section you'd like to update, and you will be taken to the Make a Judgement area. 

You will see some information just underneath the box, confirming whether or not the contents of that section have been agreed or not.


Click Agree Grade & Text. You will be presented with the below pop-up. 


Click Yes, Agree Grade & Text to confirm. Otherwise, click No, and keep it as a draft.

Draft SEF/Team Review Document

Your Draft SEF/Team Review contains all the text entries and judgements added to the Team Review area of Perspective, regardless of whether or not they have been published/agreed.

This report is helpful as it allows you to look at all the information in your SEF/Review before it is published to all staff. 

If you want to see the published SEF/Review, you will need to download the Agreed report. Click here for more information on that.

To view the draft report, click on the Self Evaluation option in your main Perspective toolbar. If you are also a member of teams with reviews active, hover over Self Evaluation and click School. Then click Draft School SEF Report


When you click on the option to download the Draft SEF, a pop-up confirms whether you want to download the SEF with BSQs, without BSQs, or with Targets.

Once confirmed, a PDF download will begin. For information on how to turn your Draft SEF/Review into the Agreed version, click here.

Adding the SEF/Team Review to the Archive

We recommend regularly adding your School/Team SEF to your history so you have a snapshot of the document from that exact point in time.

You can do this by clicking the SEF Archive link on the Self Evaluation Dashboard or the Team Review Archive button on the Team Review Overview, then clicking Add Latest School SEF To Archive/Add Latest Review to Archive and confirming in the pop-up.


Once confirmed, the document will be archived (which could take a minute) and appear on your Archive page.


SEF Reports - Evidence Base

The Evidence Base Report shows the complete School/Team SEF, including judgement text, grade, BSQs, targets, and notes. 

You can download the Evidence Base Report via the Self Evaluation dashboard by clicking Evidence Base Report.


Please be patient when you download this since this can be a large document.

Please Note that the Head Teacher can choose to include or exclude archived users' answers in this report via the Preferences area of the system in Settings.


Evidence Files

Evidence Files is a download that compiles and extracts all attachments linked to your School/Team SEF in one ZIP file.

The ZIP is organised into sub-folders for each section of your SEF. It is designed to keep a record of all attachments that you have linked to each question.

The report can be accessed by clicking Evidence Files (Zip) via the Self Evaluation dashboard.




The Evidence files download shows you all the documentation uploaded to each question. Any sections with evidence will be created as a folder within the ZIP. If there is no folder for a SEF section, it means that no evidence has been attached to it.

Please refer to the How to Create your SEF guide for more information on adding attachments as evidence to your SEF.