Adding a New User

Will Veevers
Will Veevers
  • Updated

Our Quick How-To Tutorial

Quick Steps

  1. Navigate to Settings (cog icon)
  2. Manage Users
  3. Create New User and add the details
  4. Save
  5. Scroll down to link the user to any relevant teams and to set permissions
  6. Save
  7. Send Welcome Email

Need More Detailed Help?

To add a new user to Perspective, click the cog icon on your main Perspective Toolbar and then click Manage Users.


Then, click Create New User.

You are then prompted to enter the details of your new user; the top three fields are all mandatory.

The email address must be unique. If you try to create a member of staff using an already-in-use email address, the system will block you. Please contact our Support Team if you experience this.

The Code field is simply a way to enter a custom value that appears in some reports or columns in Perspective; it's usually the person's initials.

The Staff Category drop-down allows you to assign a category to your user to make things easily identifiable throughout the rest of the system. Please note that if your school is in a Local Authority that uses our File Requests and Confidential File modules, this differs from any Role you assign staff.

There are three permissions you can grant a user at this stage:

Reviewer: Sets that person as a performance reviewer, meaning you can link other staff to this person so they can conduct their performance reviews.

Moderator: Sets this person as a Performance Management Moderator, granting access to the whole performance review process in Perspective. This includes assigning reviewers and reviewees, changing review statuses, downloading review reports for all staff and viewing finalised development feedback records.

Resource: Removes their access to the system but keeps them as 'active' (as opposed to archiving them). This means you can still assign tasks to them. A user with this option checked cannot log in to Perspective.

Add User.PNG

When you are done, click Save User. To send the new user their activation email, click Send Welcome Email.

That's it! Your new user has been set up and should receive an email with their username and a link to activate their account.

To set up additional users, navigate to the Manage Users page and repeat the process.